Our Services


ATS Friendly Resume Re-Write

  • Early Career (1-5 years of work experience)

  • Mid-Career (5-20 years of work experience)

  • C-Suite Executive (20+ years of work experience)

One Hour Resume Review
Customized Cover Letter
Professional Bio
Thank you Letter


 LinkedIn Boost

  • Cover Photo

  • Headline

  • About Section

  • Experience Section

  • Additional sections as needed


 Mock Interview

  • Includes 2 – 1 Hour Mock Interviews

  • Questions tailored to desired role or upcoming interview

  • Tailored Feedback and Coaching

  • Customized feedback and coaching

Career Coaching Session

Coach Erin will meet you where you are and provide customized advice in numerous areas such as networking, conducting a strategic job search, using LinkedIn effectively, negotiating your job offer and much more!


Birkman Assessment

I am a certified Birkman Consultant. The Birkman Signature and Career Typing assessments are great tools for anyone seeking to learn more about themselves and how they relate to others. This assessment includes a color and bound printout of the full report and a 1 hour coaching session to explain your results. For more information on Birkman, please visit www.birkman.com